Monday 26 December 2011

Third Time Lucky? A Blogger’s Tale

Welcome to Life on a Polka Dot, my third attempt at starting a blog. My disclaimer for this entire blog: Amy is not a constant; Amy is a variable. I have not arrived at my life’s destination and I haven’t the faintest clue where that destination can be found. A couple of years back, I was so sure I was in possession of the map to my life *cough* - apparently not.

Fortunately, I have learnt some lessons about blogging that I hope will steer this one in the right direction:

Lesson 1: Avoid Narrow Topics

Do not, I repeat, do not start a blog about a topic so narrow that you run out of post ideas in the space of one week.

Lesson 2: Avoid Broad Topics

At all costs, avoid starting a blog about a topic so broad that your blog could be described as being about ‘nothing’ or ‘anything’. You will lack inspiration and your blog will be left to gather digital dust in the vast space that is the blogosphere.

I am contradicting myself somewhat, but I hope to strike a balance third time around. Somewhere in-between broad and narrow is a topic just personal enough that people can relate and just broad enough that you won’t scare everyone away.

Life on a Polka Dot is my attempt at writing about things that are light, fun and slightly on the frivolous side, but yet relate to my life – on a space of the world so small it could be said to be the size of a polka dot. I’m reminded of that movie, Horton Hears a Who, in which the kangaroo refuses to believe Horton when he says he believes a whole community exists on a speck. At the end of the movie, the narrator says:

And so, all ended well for both Horton and Who's, and for all in the jungle, even kangaroos. So let that be a lesson to one and to all; a person is a person, no matter how small. 

Yes world, I DO exist! 

I mean, for all the kangaroo knew, her world could also be viewed as just a speck by someone else. It’s all relative at the end of the day. After all, my small little world is big to me. 

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with this new blog! I like the design you've chosen :)
